Vanitha veedu Magazine: Triangle Homez Architects, Interior designers and Builders created a world class living space in Trivandrum, at the Prime Location Nanthancodu, Watts Lane, Near Holy angels icse school. The Famous architect team in Trivandrum is Triangle Homes Near Poojappura
Show stopper’s Dining wash counter is taken as Cover Page

Client: George Varghese & Aji George
Place: Nanthancodu
Area: 3300Sqft
Architect: Praveen and Nisha
Consultant: Triangle Homez Pvt Ltd
Contracting: Green construction
Modular Kitchenn: Agnikone

For more details about this project Please click here
This magazine that features new trends, designs and styles in houses and related content. The magazine is published by malayala Manorama Publications Ltd, a subsidiary of Malayala Manorama Co Ltd.
Malayala Manorama Publicaions ,
P.B No.26, Kottayam 686 001,
Kerala, India
Different one
I never seen before
Congrats Nisha and Praveen