Excovators rent
JCB 3DX 1hr 1200/- + Bata
Hitachi 20 1hr 1000/- + Bata
Hitach 30/35 1hr 1100/- + Bata
Hitachi 70 1hr 1300/- + Bata
Hitachi 110/120 1hr 1600/- + Bata
Tipper 150feet 1Day 5500/- + Bata

International Rates
All rates on equipment, other than ground thaw equipment, are based on a 10 hour day, 50 hour week or 200 hour/28 day month. Hour meter will determine additional charges. Double shifts will be charged at 1.5 times standard rate, triple shifts at 2 times standard rate. Rates subject to change without notice. Rental starts when equipment leaves dealers yard and ceases upon return. Additional charges for fuel, trucking, and cleanup. Customer pays for all damages