Healthy Food for Healty life- We already brought you a list of the 26 Healthiest fruits and vegitables of All Time. Now, we’ve gathered another 50, chosen by our team . While most of us know the basics of how to eat well, sometimes putting together a menu for the week can be daunting. So we are providing you with lots of options. All these foods are highly nutritious and they’re also easy to find at the local grocery store. Bring this list on your next trip to the supermarket, select something new, and prepare it as simply as you like
Improve bone health, treat asthma. Prevents lungs, breast, colon, lever cancer. Best Fruit for diabetic patiants. Healthy Food for Healty life
Makes Memory sharp,improve digestive syste, regulates blood shugar, cholestrol level Healthy Food for Healty life
Natural sugars make them sweet. Helps to improve vision, prevent cancer Healthy Food for Healty life
Loaded with minerals, proteins. Purifies blood, cure respiratory problems, enhances sexual health
Rich soruces of selenium, Vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. Healthy Food for Healty life
Contains many vital minerals, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, includes variety, of antioxidants and omega fatty acids.
Rich in flavonoids, lower blood, pressure, prevents cancer, boost immune system, purifies blood. Healthy Food for Healty life
Honeydew Melon- Promote healthy skin by aiding collagen production and tissue repair, helps in regulating blood pressure.
Iceberg Lettuce- Excellent source of vitamin A, K and C. Contains water and dietary fiber. Very low in saturated fat and colosterol.
Jack Fruit- Rich source of B-complex group vitamins. Lowers blood pressure, fights cancer, asthma and anemia.
Kiwi Fruit – Excellent soruce of vitamin C, K,copper and dietary fiber. Promotes heart health, sleep, regulates blood pressure.
Lemon- Rich source of vitamin C, that improves immune system, helps to cure common cold, obesity.
Muskmelon- Rich in Potassium, which helps in regulating the blood pressure, Improves eyes sight.
Nectarine- Good source of vitamin A and C which helps for immune system. Promotes heart health, gives immediate energy.
Oranges- Promotes heart health, immunity system, lowers cholestrol, rejuvenate skin and prevents cancer.
Papaya- Rich soruces of antitoxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin c , flavonoids, Vitamin B and folate.
Quince- Rich source of anti-inflammatory properties, good for weight loss. Treats ulcers , nausea and vomiting.
Raspberries- Promotes brain power, heart health, prevent cancer, control diabetes, improve digestion.
Strawberries- Excellent soruce of antioxidants, vitamin C and manganese, dietary fiber, iodine, and folate.
Tomatoes- Prevents cance, reduces blood pressure, controls diabetes, Improves eyes health, skin and hair growth.
Ugly Fruit- Contains nutrients like fiber, vitamins and calcium which are very essential for the body.
Victoria plum- Speeds up metabolism, Boosts digestive health stops premature aging, increases immunity.
Watercress- Providing nutrition, boosting immunity, cance preventive and thyroid support, Fightts against cancer.
Water Melon- Prevents asthma, cancer, regulates blood pressure, hydration, improves skin health, digestion.
Yam- Heals skin diseases cure respiratory problems, supports female endocrine system, rich soruces of antioxidants.
Zucchini- Best source of vitamin A, magnesium, dietary fiber that will keep your body in the best shape for the long.